Sunday, May 22, 2011

A little stressed out..

Just talk to tim and I found it quite stressful. I had a long day yesterday and his comments made me feel worse. I ate a good smoothie for breakfast though. Blueberry and banana. Need water, I feel dehydrated.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I truely made an effort today. I ate more vegetables, drank more, and limited my sugar and dairy instead of eating it freely. Was today perfect? Yes! Because I know tomorrow I'll do even better.

Tomorrow, biggest loser day 2!

Hi tim!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Change..Change..go away..come again another day

So, I just ate a good amount of Jeff's candy.  I also had a large slice of chocolate cake today.  I was in pain today, and I realize that stress and pain are triggers for me to eat poorly.  Although, somehow, I was vegan for 4 years and ate extremely healthy - except that I didn't eat enough and ended up "skinny" but not fit.

I have since realized that the "eat-clean" lifestyle is exactly what I did when I was vegan, with the added part of..being vegan.  I stayed around 135-140 lbs, a size 6-8, 5'5. Now, why is it so hard to revert back to eating a way that I ate for FOUR years with no issue, no regret, and never falling into a craving.  I honestly don't know.  I do know that breastfeeding makes me as hungry as I was when I was 38 weeks pregnant though.  That definitely makes it hard to pass on the candy next to the bed when I'm laying there with a stomach of pure pain, and I don't want to go to the kitchen to prepare something since it might wake up Penny, and I'm already exhausted anyways.

I took this picture out of an eat clean book at Borders tonight.

Those rules are pretty much exactly what I lived by.  I am going to reinstate those rules into my life.  I know after a couple of weeks that I won't even be tempted by cravings.  It is just finding those foods that are acceptable and finding staples that I want in my diet and am comfortable eating. 

Another solution I am working on is smoothies more often, and drinking enough fluids.  I find some days I go without drinking hardly anything.  I'm sure this hurts my milk supply and my health.  I used to drink SO much water, I actually drank too much water and did not have enough electrolytes left. 

Another thing.. since my pregnancy I am WEAK.  I used to be able to do push ups, tons of sit ups, lunges, squats, all of that fun stuff.  Now I can't do a push up! ridiculous! So, I will be continuing the biggest loser 10 minute a day work out.  That will help me to tone up muscles while I change my diet.

So to recount:

I will be living by the clean eating principles as well as vegan principles.
 I will be drinking water. A decent amount.  I would say 5 bottles a day (16 oz X 5 = 80oz)
I will use the biggest loser DVD workout once a day, everyday.

These all take no additional time into my day, so having Penny in my arms all day will not make these goals impossible. I do want this and know that Tim and family will support me, although I don't need it, because I'm awesome.



My boob hurts

So. I'm hurting. I'm finding that leads to "make me feel better" cake.
I had veggies with lunch, which is rare, so I'll call it progress. I did have a meal plan for today, but due to feeling bad, didn't feel like it. Will try tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reeses are the enemy

I'm sucking at raw, but working on returning.

I just told tim we will swim, hike, and ten minute biggest loser. We will.

Going swimming with fam today. Pics later.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blue smoothie.. Delicious

Just took Penny for a walk. We were out ten minutes and my back started hurting(I WAS carrying her!) I'm home drinking a blueberry/banana/almond milk smoothie, one of my favorites.

Ever notice on the vegetarian(and regular) food pyramid that they recommend the biggest percent of your diet be grains? That seems like a lot. I'd think fruits and vegetables would be the base. I'll go look more into this..

Green smoothie > kale juice

I love green smoothies. I dislike kale juice in my juice though.

My milk supply seems to be the same so far, and no change in Penny.

Same weight today.

I'm going to have a green smoothie today and maybe quinoa tonight?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Not as desperate as before..

Things went surprisingly well yesterday. I ate plenty of food, only got hungry a couple of times. At one point I didn't feel so well while we were out shopping, but I grabbed a naked juice at the store and felt fine after that.

The scale says I'm down one pound today. I'm feeling good. Need to learn to sprout, and still need to take photos.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wake up, chop something in half, eat it.

Todays victim, cantaloupe. Had half of it today.
About to make a smoothie(banana/blueberry.) then photos for keeping track of our progress!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

So close, so much chocolate

I ate chocolate for breakfast. Not feeling so good about that. Greatly looking forward to May. I have all of the ingredients for my favorite green smoothie, so I'm going to have that today to start cleaning out my poor, poor, chocolate body. If only I wasn't the Human equivalent of a chocolate Easter bunny.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Preparing for the month of May

We are preparing for May this week. We are starting transitioning somewhat, and working out our plans, goals, and expectations for may.

Tim plans to workout two hours a day, my plan is one hour, since I have Penny.
We will both be eating raw, at least 90%, as long as my milk supply doesnt drop since I'm nursing still.

I'm hoping to be back to my fitness level and size from before pregnancy.
Tim just wants more muscle and less fat. He hopes for 15 lbs or so lost.

We will do our first week of grocery shopping Sunday, and the fun will begin!